Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Saber Jefferson

Recent Entries

  • Reminicing

    When you have 5 children; ADHD is a requirement - not an option. They have their ups and downs, their ornery moments, fighting moments and they happen all at the same time. My oldest is 19 and my youngest is 6. So as I reminice about each one - I have a sense of pride, fear and joy all at the same t...
  • Wisdom

    Sometimes wisdom comes from a child. My son was 7 yrs. old when he came to me with his sister and said, "Mom. What's your name?" I told him my full name and he turned to his sister and said, "See. That's how you know." I was confused and said, "What are you guys talking about?" and my son responded:...
  • Spider Potential

    I tried to post this in my message, but it had gotten shortened - not enough e-paper! This is one of my personal blogs on my website www.saberj.co that I wanted to share with everyone here. Thank you for anyone who goes to my website and comments on my blogs. May God bless your journy!  My dau...