Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Fr. John Yates - U.L.C. New Catholic Order

Recent Entries

  • Communication

    We order food in a restaurant, a foreman gives direction on a job site, a child tugs at the skirt of their mother, a deaf couple sign in the park, an ad plays on the radio or on a television, and a teenager texts their friend(s). All of these things are communication. Some are verbal, some are non-v...
  • What is Marriage?

    I have been a non-denominational minister for a few years. In that role, I have counseled couples in the pre-marital course, during the marital course and even toward the end of the marital course. How do we determine what a marriage is? What does it truly mean to "be" married? During pre-marital di...
  • Marriage, Sex and Love

    We all believe that sex and love go together and that marital sex is a beautiful thing. We are right in believing this because sex in marriage was God's idea. Some may say blasphemy and call it out as improperm but the scripture supports the notion of marital sex building strong relationships, being...
  • Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is taught in the Bible, but many do not know what it really means to forgive. In Hebrews 8:12, we are taught what it means to forgive. The scripture states, I will be merciful and gracious toward their sins and remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more. In order for us to forgive, ...