Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Harley Schwartz

Recent Entries

  • Don't Be Fooled, God Is All You Need

    Don't Be Fooled, God Is All You Need What do you do when you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work? Frustration has a way of tempting us to try just about anything to heal a sickness, solve a financial problem, mend a broken heart, or get piece of mind. When we reach the point of des...
  • Forgetting to Look Up? You,re not alone!

    Have you ever faced the unknown alone? Being alone is an awkward feeling. Most of us feel better when we face a situation in the company of those who make them feel safe and secure. When we are alone, fear sets in and anxiety is heightened. When we are alone, we feel uncomfortable. We f...
  • Some insight for the ones who are struggling.

    Our lives are filled with a variety of circumstances. Those that are positive and fulfilling we generally describe as our "ups." Those that are negative and unrewarding we generally describe as our "downs." We have found that life is filled with ups and downs, good times and bad times, successes...