Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Gordon Stevens

Recent Entries

  • Unlock your power: The influence and control of the 1%

    They have it. They have the money. "That's Oprah money." They can buy a chunk of Earth, their own piece of our planet, with seemingly unspoiled natural beauty, in an unspoiled theatre of wealth surrounding them like a cloak of invisibility. They can buy the clothes on your back, or even you. Of c...
  • Unlock your power: Sights and sounds

    Unlock your power: Sights and sounds -- Introduction to a difficult subject, but a very important oneIf I said to you that sex can feel great, you would almost certainly believe me because it has been documented and vigorously studied trillions of times, across many species. In order to sell somet...
  • Unlock your power: Reasoning & Critical Thinking

    Unlock your power: Ease the journey of effective reasoning and critical thinking -- Word on books and raw cost:I do not usually recommend books because quite frankly they cost a metric load of cash to purchase, and I have experienced the financial bludgeoning at full tilt speed. Books for a semeste...
  • Fireside: On the origin of everything

    Fireside: On the origin of everything Foreword: I am not big on blogging, but it is long time I put this to digital print. Imagine you and I sitting together in rocking chairs under warm blankets in front of a roaring fire, sipping warm drinks. You turn to me in a relaxed state, then a quizzical l...
  • On the matter of forbidden text.

    "The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so. As for you, be as sly as snakes and as simple as doves." - Gospels of St. Thomas :39 "I am the light that is over all things. I am...