Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Reverend Jim Hall

Recent Entries

  • Thanksgiving Day Prayer

    At this time of year we give thanks to what we have received and for our friends and family who are with us and for those who have passed. I offer this prayer for all of us: As we gather for this meal, I would like to offer thanks to all of you for being here and for sharing the joy of this day wit...
  • Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is a time for reflection. We give thanks to our loved ones, friends, acquantainces and for the blessings we received throughout the year.   On that note, I want to thank each one of you, both friends and everyone who are here, who pledged to help those in need and those needing g...
  • Religions and Divisions

    Religion for the most part is loosely based on historical facts.  The places existed, but the facts are obscured by the stories that were passed from one person to the other person. Most of the information in the sacred texts was verbally told to a group as the written word was not available a...
  • Muslim/Christian Wedding Vows

    Hello and welcome! We gathered together here in the presence of friends,  family, GOD and ALLAH to celebrate the love which (BRIDE Name) and (GROOM Name)  have for each other, to give social recognition to their decision to commit their lives and accept each other completely, to learn h...
  • The Christ in us all

    Jesus was nothing more than a man. He was no different than you or me, but was thrust into a larger than life situation that has made him into the figurehead he is today. As we learn more about science and history we find ourselves looking back to the Bible as a reference. We have found that the sto...
  • Why I believe

    I have tried to understand religion most of my life. Looking at what was taught and how people treat each other afterwards. I was tired of hearing that you need to worship Jesus and took a closer look at what I really heard and what was important.  I started to realize that what most religions ...