Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Neil Frisch

Recent Entries

  • Let's save the sick

      It occurs to me that the death squads, some fools seem to think are eminent, would be an improvement over what we have now. At least then we would be able to prepare for it and know what to expect. Currently we have a system that is design to deny coverage for all but the least expensive cos...
  • We are all brothers and sisters.

      I look around me I see far too much hatred. I turn on the news and see people killing each other over political views and religious differences. This begs the question what are we trying to achieve? Do people really believe God wants them to kill people who disagree with them? Is your politi...
  • Positive news from the hospital

    My nephew is in the hospital he received a bone marrow transplant last week. When you get a bone marrow transplant among other things it drops your white blood cell count down to nothing. He has been in a sterile room few several days now as his blood count dropped off the radar. Tod...
  • Just a reminder

    Perhaps now would be a good time to remind everyone that no matter how unjust the world may seem. We are all responsible for our own actions. Lashing out at others is never a positive response. This life is but a passing moment in eternity. The timorous pains we suffer, are nothin...