Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network


  • Hungry

    Posted May 25, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      (Through my eyes only...epistemology only) Journal One, Experience and Reflections: Office Orientation This is my reflection over the experience with volunteering at the HDC with Oregon State University.  As I have and always will believe in volunteering.  I have found that this ...

  • A recent question inspired the following blog

    Posted May 23, 2010 by Rev. Jason Warren

      I am not an expert in the field of addiction, and the following is my opinion only. I absolutely believe recovery is possible. However, that does not mean the temptation will go away. And, I mean this for all addictions. Understanding Christianity is the easy part; but, I'll tell y...

  • Many souls within one

    Posted May 21, 2010 by Megan Houghton

     Here is something that I wish to share with all. I myself was name Megan at birth by my parents, over the years I have come to search into my past and have come to see that I have many pasts within my one body. I have also for some strange reason attracted other lost souls and they upon occas...

  • Bible Journey: My Lord I pray

    Posted May 20, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Lord's Prayer:   Lord I have come before you in the need of your church in India.  I have humble submitted my life for your Son the Christ, King of King and Lord of Lords. I  have come to your throne room boldly and with courage because of your promises through him and ...

  • Why we do what we do?

    Posted May 19, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Women Exploitation, Violence Against Women Why We Do What We Do? in the Eyes of Men's Experiences is the Key Point? Publish Date: 05/19/2010 Literature Review in the process of research of women and violence against women/rape and why we do what we do? "There is no evidence of any...

  • Women and preaching...

    Posted May 17, 2010 by Kara North

    I have recently felt the ''calling'' from our Lord that I need to help preach the bible, help save people in the name of Jesus Christ, and help humanity learn the lessons of love and the power of God. This has been very wonderful and overwhelming at the same time. When I approach...

  • December 21, 2012

    Posted May 16, 2010 by Reverend Brandon Box

    I'm sick and tired of people saying the world will end on December 21, 2012. Based on my own research this date marks the end of the last long count cycle of the Mayan calander. There are still more cycles after this one, but none that are considered long count. I highly doubt the world will en...

  • Tiger Woods, the new Mary Magdalene?

    Posted May 16, 2010 by Ivonne Delaflor

    TIGER WOODS The New Mary Magdalene?   It is not surprising at all that such a powerful public figure, such as Tiger Woods, would have come in front of the media and millions of viewers to make amends for what seems, in the eyes of “others” wrong doings not only to his wife, to his kids, to h...

  • Bewildered

    Posted May 14, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      What is problematic that postcolonism terminology becomes a power struggle in a dominance of power structure. Western Researchers press upon indigenous people as the inferiority commodities that come with the territory. These researchers and their framework come with the positioning of power...


    Posted May 13, 2010 by Deleted Member

    An Experience of Oneness oNEness in a drunken soldier?       Yes, recently I went to hear a lecture given by a distinguished professor who shared with great animation uncharacteristic of his usual stuffiness how his recent search for an ancestor revealed that this gentlem...


    Posted May 13, 2010 by CHRISTOPHER TANNER

    Text: Luke 2:1-7 Introduction: Mothers. What can we say about them? Everything good and nothing bad. ILL.- Eight-year-old Mary wrote her mother a note for Mother’s Day. "Dear Mother, here is the box of candy I bought you for Mother’s Day. IT IS VERY GOOD CANDY. I...

  • One Foot on Earth and the Other in Heaven

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Rev. Sir Patrick Shinkle

    Comparing Genesis and Revelations, Alfa and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Four elements and the boundries of Earth and Heaven.

  • a friend in need

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Gary Miller

     Earlier today I got the unfortunate news that one of my female friends who has been having issues with cancer went into the hospital in the early morning for a mild  heart attack, and again just a few hours ago for another.  My prayers and those I know go out to her for a speedy reco...

  • Baby Girl

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    This is a fictional character and beginning works of a script. Baby Girl is about the evolution of a black woman.  It is the history fantasy of her spirituality and complications with men.  It is about her sexuality and sisterhood with her identity and perspective.  It is about her e...

  • Baby Girl

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    This is a fictional character and beginning works of a script. Baby Girl is about the evolution of a black woman.  It is the history fantasy of her spirituality and complications with men.  It is about her sexuality and sisterhood with her identity and perspective.  It is about her e...

  • Baby Girl

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    This is a fictional character and beginning works of a script. Baby Girl is about the evolution of a black woman.  It is the history fantasy of her spirituality and complications with men.  It is about her sexuality and sisterhood with her identity and perspective.  It is about her e...

  • Happiness

    Posted May 12, 2010 by Rodney Philip Re

    Spiritual hope, faith, and love are involved in the state of mind we call happiness. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself…” (Psalm 37:7). Action Steps: Happiness comes from knowing you can handle things.  Become confident, and happiness will follow....

  • A Mother's Prayer

    Posted May 8, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day, With little time to stop and pray, For Life's been anything but calm, Since You called me to be a mom - Running errands, matching socks, Building dreams with matching blocks, Cooking, cleaning and finding shoes And other stuff that children lose, ...

  • what keeps pedofile priest from joining ministory like this

    Posted May 8, 2010 by Eric Kelly

    what keeps pedofile priest from joining this and other ministory .i would hope that someone would look into who the let in.  you hear about two many in the news .in my old church we had three  that we did not know about. makes me wonder about all the priest we had and will have in the...

  • It has been a while

    Posted May 7, 2010 by James Spencer

    It has been a long time since I have wrote something here. Even ministers go through things. I am no different. Been struggling with a lot lately. Mostly health issues. Life is not so bad really. Just been feeling pretty bad lately. In time I will actually write about some of the problems. I wont ...

  • Need Sponsorship in Wisconsin

    Posted May 7, 2010 by Anthony Altieri

    Greetings and good morrow!   My brother has leave from the Army and getting married in mid-June.  He's asked me to perform the ceremony for him, however I understand that I need sponsorship as I'm from PA.  I am hoping that I might prevail upon your kindness to help me out...

  • Finding the Righteous Forests

    Posted May 7, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Finding the Righeous Forest How Do We Begin the Journey into Caring Ethics for Each One of Us? Publish Date: 05/07/2010 Redemption love comes through a promise of romance that love is unconditional. (hooks, 2000) I would like to completely agree with hooks that love with the tendencies ...

  • The Tennesse Area Flooding

    Posted May 6, 2010 by Tani Kelley

    The damage for the flooding from this strom is massive. Almost all of the state of Tennesse is in a state of emergancy. FEMA will help but what they really need now is their neighbors. They need flood, clothing and the basic stuff. If you are willing to help contact the Red Cross. Also please don�...

  • Eve's Complex in Natural Motion

    Posted May 5, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    Disclaimer:  My thought provoking research and theories are based to bridge the gap of love.  It is within the grace of spirituality that I attempt to bridge the gap of sexuality, religion and science to the platform of transformation and constructing healthy mediums to find salvation and ...

  • Courage

    Posted May 3, 2010 by Rodney Philip Re

     “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).  Action Steps: Always be faithful to your principles and values.  It may require guts to stand by them, but that is the way to build your courage. Pray for courage as you pra...

  • Life is really like a box of chocolates

    Posted May 2, 2010 by Rev. Dr. Eva Wright DD, Dsm, PhD

      When we think of this verse from Forrest Gump the first thing that comes to mind is humor. Most people laugh and find humor in it because of the way that Forrest says the phrase very slowly and without worrying about what others will think of his words or actions. He said the words authen...

  • A Pastor's Responsibility

    Posted May 2, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    A Pastor's Responsibility Ezekiel 34:2-6 gives us a picture of a Pastor's responsibility to his congregation. The passage gives us both the "do's" and the "don'ts" of a Pastor's ministry. "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, T...

  • Quote of the day

    Posted May 2, 2010 by Rodney Philip Re

     "The one thing worth living for is to keep one's soul pure" -- Marcus Aurelius

  • Impression`s By rev.Julio (Information Center)

    Posted May 1, 2010 by Julio Cesar Sarabia

      What ever I believe it has to be true,For by having faith in magik,It exists somewhere,hidden some place in enternity,somewhere;where Nymphs,Gnomes & Witches Roam and River Gods exsits,Faries and fairy tails exists too;In the forest and the lands of enchantment.Don`t you ever let go,be...

  • Does childhood sexual abuse affect adult relationships?

    Posted April 30, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    Like any traumatic experience, if we don’t move through the experience or hurtful emotions, it will affect all of our relationships. Since sexuality is a very healthy and normal part of life, someone who has been sexually abused can also have a disruption in their sexuality. Sexual abuse can cause s...

  • Why do people sexually abuse children?

    Posted April 30, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    There are many different kinds of abusers, and it’s not clear why people molest children. What’s been found in recent research is an overwhelming majority of people guilty of child molesting, were molested themselves. We used to think this statistic was much smaller, but with more detailed research,...

  • Jezebel, in our society

    Posted April 29, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

     "But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel say she is a prophet [claiming to be inspired] and give false teaching, making my servants go after the desires of the flesh and take food offered to false gods." (Rev 2:20) [1 Kings 16:31; 2 Kings 9:22,30.] Who was Jezebel?? J...

  • How to control your anger.....

    Posted April 29, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    I am really emotional and excitable person. I think that there are two types of anger: constructive anger and a destructive one. In order to understand the anger phenomenon I decided to investigate the nature of anger, reasons of its appearing, key factors and anger management. What does it mean th...

  • Toxic Churches

    Posted April 29, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    A toxic church often mistreats staff associates and it's member's. A toxic church exists when doing becomes more important than being. People in a toxic church believe their service to God is keeping church systems functioning. They believe God’s blessing results in bigger budgets for bigg...


    Posted April 29, 2010 by Deleted Member

    Please be in prayer for a man who was shot half a block from us this morning. He is mentally challenged and lives in a boarding home next door. The boarding home has been well-managed with no incidents for the past 10 years. This morning this man went 25 yards to a dollar store next to his home wi...


    Posted April 26, 2010 by Deleted Member

      Non-toxic homemade bug spray, indoor and out: Equal parts of liquid dish soap, vinegar & gin.   ANY OTHER HOME REMEDIES?

  • Gospel of James PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 26, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Gospel of James PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325...

  • In the Fruits of the Spirit is Love

    Posted April 25, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      In today’s journey of the chat world, I wanted to bring up that love is centered on the fruits of the spirit.  Galatians in the bible is an excellent journey of love, truth and forgiveness whether walking in the world of death or world of life.  Sometimes people say the “flesh,” bu...

  • Blacks Fought for the South also

    Posted April 25, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Black Men say Rebel flag flies for freedom For an hour, the Confederate battle flag flew over the former site of the Eight Flags Display on U.S. 90. Dressed in Confederate gray, a black man named Anthony Hervey marched with the banner clutched in his hands. His brother, Harry, accompanied him, w...

  • Gospel of James PT 4 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 25, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Gospel of James PT 4 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon i...

  • Pernicious Populace.

    Posted April 24, 2010 by Lucas Cauffman

          Since the establishment of civilization a certain standard for morals within a society has been set in place and observed by those whom are among the status quo. To deviate from the peramiters of these moral standards is to commit social suicide and subject ones self to ridicule...

  • Gospel of James PT 3 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 24, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Gospel of James PT 3 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon i...

  • im back on a line

    Posted April 24, 2010 by Eric Kelly

    there are alot of questions about why my uncle left us . but i know he is watching all of us. he was a great guy and will be missed by  all he touched. from the people he worked with in air national gaurd,air force.all the sports teams he coached.and most of all his family. god bless ...

  • Where's is all the Money?

    Posted April 23, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Where's is all the Money?             Gm repaid  8.1 billion  with interest Apr 20, 2010 and the government still owns 61 per cent of GM.             Eight of the bigge...

  • Gospel of James PT 2 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 23, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Gospel of James PT 2 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon i...

  • $272,894 in unpaid meal

    Posted April 21, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    U.S. senators run up $272,894 in unpaid meal tabs; some owe bills dating back three months            U.S. Senators run up $272,894 in unpaid meal tabs          Some owe bills dating back three months  &#...

  • Autism is not my name, by Rev.Ivonne Delaflor

    Posted April 21, 2010 by Ivonne Delaflor

      0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband...

  • Gospel of James PT 1 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 21, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Gospel of James PT 1 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon i...

  • Europe

    Posted April 20, 2010 by Sylvia Dokter

     Hello All, I desire to know if there are any reverends in Europe. I live in France, and desire to know if we can officially marry people in Europe. Thank you for your comments.  Have a wonderful day, namaste, Sylvia  (Sylvia Dokter)


    Posted April 20, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

                  I believe in the power of the vote, not violence against our country. I do believe that with bills like this in place its time Americans sit down and take a close look at is going on in this country an...

  • ancient center of learning discovered

    Posted April 20, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Another ancient center of learning was discovered at Telhara village in Nalanda district in Bihar during excavations. The state is already known worldwide for its Buddhist study centers- the famous Nalanda University, Udwantpuri near Biharsharif and Vikramshila University near Bhagalpur. The exc...

  • Mary (Magdalene)PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 20, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Mary (Magdalene)PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325...

  • All the World's a Playground

    Posted April 19, 2010 by Kay Lee

    "Yuck, 'Amy'", two-year-old Rissa calls urgently. "A bug."  I squat down because my old eyes need to be near the source. "It's a ladybug," I tell her. "Isn't it pretty?" She sits on the ground beside my feet, puts her face close to the ladybug, not q...

  • Mary (Magdalene)PT4 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 19, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Mary (Magdalene)PT4 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325 ...

  • Mary (Magdalene)PT3 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 18, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Mary (Magdalene)PT3 Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325 ...

  • Shamanic Christians Comeforth!

    Posted April 17, 2010 by Trysten Shaman

    Hello again!  I have created a new group called Shamanic Christians.  I was hoping that while creating a new group I could further the awareness of "the old ways" and still learn a thing or two from all of you :)  Since my last post I have purchased many more books on shamanism, medic...

  • Eternal Life

    Posted April 17, 2010 by Sage David Rosman

    I could not think of a better group to ask - I am working on a lecture series concerning our pluristic society and religious beliefs. I am a Jew by birth and tradition, even wanting to be a Cantor at one point in my life. Over the years I have dropped my theistic belief and moved through deism,...

  • today my uncle passed away

    Posted April 17, 2010 by Eric Kelly

    i will be away for a little while.to take care of my aunt .but i wil be trying to read messages god bless you all. Rev Eric Kelly

  • Mary (Magdalene) Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 17, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Mary (Magdalene) Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325 A.D...

  • tsame again, and again

    Posted April 16, 2010 by Alexander Brow

    I am a man of many paths being a Gemini I am always of two minds I want to know god, and the devils sides of the story before I make a decision, and can feel comfortable being interaith. As a member of the ULCM I am happy here debating/raging arguments are health. Perhaps the main thing is the lack ...

  • Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 16, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Non Canonical books of the Bible             I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325 A.D.   &#...

  • Whats wrong in American

    Posted April 15, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

              I hear many of my fellow Americans today saying they just can not figure out what is wrong in the country.           We are a nation of well over 250 million people from all walks of life and culture...

  • Part 10 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 15, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 10 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.      ...

  • Have you been lied to again?

    Posted April 14, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

      Prior to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars our President at the time promised the American people "This war will not become another Vietnam" Iraq Coalition Military Fatalities By Year Year    US UK Other Total 2003   486    53  41   580...

  • Part 9 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 14, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 9 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.      ...

  • A helpful place

    Posted April 14, 2010 by Trysten Shaman

    It is 3am on Wed April 14th.  I have just completed three consecutive journeys to the Lowerworld.  I am thorougly exhausted after obtaining power animals for friends and family.  My power animal has let me know that I should write this in my blog so here goes.  If anyone needs he...

  • Ways In Which Spirituality Can Be Deemed Psychology.

    Posted April 13, 2010 by Daniel Arendt

    I’ve said a lot about all the various ways for centuries critics of religion have claimed same is some sort of self-projection or epigenetic hypertrophism…and from such diverse criticisms of such types, further criticized all religions as therefore psychology. Whereas I do believe metaphysics has ro...

  • Part 8 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 13, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 8 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.      ...

  • Part 7 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 12, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 7 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.      ...

  • Part 6 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 11, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 6 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.       ...

  • No Common Sense

    Posted April 10, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

              This is how good people become sex offenders.            While sex offenses in this country need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and punished in the same manner, our law maker...

  • Part 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 10, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.       ...

  • A new change

    Posted April 9, 2010 by Trysten Shaman

    So I have good news.  My family is moving out of our shoebox!!!  We are moving from a 650 sq ft apartment, yeah its small!, to a duplex just down the street that is 900+ sq ft and has a basement, a garage, and we can get a dog!  Very excited and feeling very blessed that all of my ref...

  • Part 4 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 9, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 4 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.       ...

  • Identity In Christ

    Posted April 8, 2010 by Dr.Michael Washburn

      Our Identity In Christ: This is one elementary subject that most Christians still don't fully understand, and it is a powerful key to spiritual breakthrough for countless believers around the globe today! Don't believe you're just an old forgiven sinner just because some pa...

  • A Broken Court System

    Posted April 8, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    A Broken Court System           Facts on Post-Conviction DNA Exoneration's      There have been 252 post-conviction DNA exoneration's in the United States.      The first DNA exoneration took place in 1...

  • Did Our Fore Fathers see this coming

    Posted April 8, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Did Our Fore Fathers see this coming                  George Washington Said; " Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." "Guard against the...

  • Part 3 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 8, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 3 Non Canonical books of the Bible           I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.       ...

  • LIVE IN THE HOLY OF HOLY THOUGHTS...to a friend and all who would seek GOD

    Posted April 7, 2010 by Deleted Member

    Every day and every night you must dwell in the Holy of Holy thoughts which is your soul ... not your mind .... not the feelings which often betray you DEEP WITHIN IS THE CHILD LAUGHING with JOY of Justice again it will know the embrace of the one you have lost

  • Part 2 Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 7, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 2 Non Canonical books of the Bible            I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.      ...


    Posted April 7, 2010 by Deleted Member

      I seek and commit my cause to GOD.  ....JOB 5:8     Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.....PSALM 37:5     Whatever it is you could, would and should do today...pray. GOD in your trust will hear you and bring...

  • From whence we came

    Posted April 6, 2010 by Darrell Olson

    I have read some interesting material lately. I believe there is much more to our history than what we have been "fed" in terms of our ancestry. It is my belief that we are products of a lineage that dates back millions of years and began in a distant star system. I have witnessed through my own med...

  • Non Canonical books of the Bible

    Posted April 6, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Non Canonical books of the Bible            I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Mary the Mother of Jesus? The answer is yes. Over the next few weeks we shall examine one such book.       ...

  • Shamanic Christians Club!

    Posted April 6, 2010 by Trysten Shaman

    Welcome to my blog about Shamanic Christianity.  Ill start by introducing myself.  My name is Trysten Paulus, 26, residing in a small town in Wisconsin.  I grew up here and have lived here most of my life.  I am married with children, have served my country proudly in the US Army...

  • The Light of Hope

    Posted April 5, 2010 by Charles Lee, Jr

    It is about self-mastery and our right to the truth we will find, when we begin with ourselves, within ourselves. When we mine the shadows of our own beliefs and blast each criticism, each judgment each condemnation against us and others, with God's unconditional, eternal mercy,...

  • Unemployment Ends!

    Posted April 5, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Unemployment Ends!           Well it seems that the millionaires in Washington have done it again to the American people. It now seems that unemployment benefits for some 200,000 Americans expire on Monday. It seems it was more important for them to...

  • Part 10 Stories of Jesus as a Child

    Posted April 4, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 10 Stories of Jesus as a Child          I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what has become known as...

  • Weddings

    Posted April 3, 2010 by Rev. Rey Becerra

    I preformed my first wedding a week ago, and it was my daughters wedding! This was done in California. Was a little nervous but everyone said it was good, I even chocked up a little.

  • No Violence, Vote

    Posted April 3, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    No Violence, Vote      It has come to my attention that there are many extremist out there promoting violence in an attempt to effect change within our country.      Do people wished to be viewed with the insane violet radical groups that we all for so long ...

  • Does it walk like a duck?

    Posted April 3, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

      Every member in the House and the Senate gets an allotment (called a Members Representational Allowance in the House) which they can use to hire and pay staff, buy office supplies, lease office space in their home state or district, mail official documents, answer mail, travel back and f...

  • Part 9 Stories of Jesus as a Child

    Posted April 3, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

        Part 9 Stories of Jesus as a Child          I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what ...

  • The Pagan Motorcycle Club and the Mennonite Funeral on Good Friday

    Posted April 3, 2010 by Deleted Member

      LeRoy Stoltzfus grew up as a farm boy in a Mennonite home in Leola. His dad was a bishop in the church. But by the time he was in his early 20s, Stoltzfus had left his Plain Sect upbringing far behind him. After a stint in the U.S. Air Force, Stoltzfus joined the Pagans motorcycle gang. He...

  • Did Aaron's rod turn into a Snake?

    Posted April 2, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

              Did Aaron's rod turn into a Snake?           Most all of us know the well known story of how Pharaoh demanded Moses to demonstrate a marvel and how Moses had his brother Aaron throw Aaron's...

  • The Blessing of Easter

    Posted April 2, 2010 by Rev. Dr. Eva Wright DD, Dsm, PhD

      Well, Spring is here at last. And along with it comes the Spring Showers. My daughter was Baptized and is very happy about it. So am I. I wanted it done sooner but  now is a good time because she is old enough to understand the meaning behind being Baptized. I have been praying a lo...

  • Part 8 Stories of Jesus as a Child

    Posted April 2, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 8 Stories of Jesus as a Child          I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what has become known as ...

  • Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'

    Posted April 1, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'                                          ...

  • happy easter to all

    Posted April 1, 2010 by Eric Kelly

    We  would like to wish everyon happy easter .but for bad news my uncle is dieing of lung cancer.he never smoke a day in his live.he has two weeks to live.please pray for him and maybe god will hear are prayers and spare him. May god bless you  all. May god keep you all well Rev.Eric ...

  • Be the Angel~ TO all that cross your path

    Posted April 1, 2010 by Angela Raven Miskelley Cartee

    Angels communicate with us in a number of ways, sometimes it's face to face in the physical realm, sometimes through our dreams and sometimes they will create 'Signs and Portents'. These are little confirmation messages that you have been touched by an Angel. Synchronicity or signs wo...

  • Part 7 Stories of Jesus as a Child

    Posted April 1, 2010 by Rev Robert Fuller

    Part 7 Stories of Jesus as a Child          I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what has become known as "The ...

  • A new thought.

    Posted March 31, 2010 by Mark Edwards