Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network


  • Transformed Life

    Posted July 29, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 What is spiritually minded? And, what is carnally minded? http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Carnally http://www.thefreedictionary.com/spiritual car·nal (kär n l) ...

  • What In the World?

    Posted July 29, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    (Disclaimer: Just one of those days of research...may I find the time to do more than just pray...but be useful for the world's dying children that need food, shelter, clothes and health care, what can I do Lord, just pray is not enough...faith without works is dead.) What are we going to do...

  • Exit Stage Right

    Posted July 28, 2010 by Gerald Henthorn

    I’ve contemplated death Platonically, as an academic exercise.  To study death otherwise would be a waste of time, as one could not publish their conclusions. In my personal life, I’ve recently had an event that caused me to revisit my contemplations on the subject.  This is a picture ...

  • The Philosophy Behind Tamashii Reiki

    Posted July 28, 2010 by Ki'Dasa Durga

      Tamashii Reiki is based on the Conscious Awareness of natural energies and their pathways. Energy leaves it's source, travels it's destined pathway, and eventually returns to the source.   This is true on Every level of Existence. The Chinese call it the cycle of Creation an...

  • No Answers

    Posted July 27, 2010 by Kimberly Brocklehurst

    Is suffering from God? Should we look at it as a gift? Is it a test to see how we react, how we cope? Or, is it a manifestation of the evil in the world, that attaches itself to us and festers, and tries to drive a wedge between us and the Divine? I was afflicted eight years ago with a disease tha...

  • Glory Of Christ

    Posted July 27, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 19                 What does it mean to trust a faith?  How can someone measure the actions of a faith? ...

  • Sweet Sleep

    Posted July 27, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Proverbs 3:24, King James Version, God’s Promises, 2009. In the morning, I realize in my meditation time that the Lord is there for everyone.  I was reading the Oprah Winfrey’s fan b...


    Posted July 26, 2010 by Deleted Member

    GOD has reached out as none of us can.  I AM THANKFUL FOR ALL WHO PRAYED WITH AND FOR FATHER LESLIE DURING A RECENT PTSD EPISODE... Several weeks ago Father Leslie hit a major slump spiritually.  Quite discouraged for many reasons he was not even talking to his own family.  I ASKED T...

  • Should women be Ministers?

    Posted July 24, 2010 by The Reverend Doctor Victoria A Howard

    Jesus did not name any woman as an apostle, although women were in his party as he wandered in the Holy Land.  Does that mean that women should not be ministers?  Was Mary his mother a priest?  She was there at Pentecost in the Upper Room.  Were there any women at the Last Supper...

  • What Do You Think of - Hell?

    Posted July 24, 2010 by The Reverend Doctor Victoria A Howard

    I have an assortment of blogs you can find here: http://mysite.verizon.net/vzezunbp/ and I have some published works here: http://www.lulu.com/ Just put my name on the browser bar and click go.  Scroll down and all my books are there. One of the focuses is on the concept and reality of Hel...


    Posted July 22, 2010 by Rev.Mike Allen

    Today was the greates  as minster tommy wedding  all start early today i made brealkfast for tommy and i  bacon eggs  toast coffee  i got done and tommy got  ready  for the wedding  . So i got ready for the big day  and drive down were the wedding going b...

  • My early Years formal education

    Posted July 22, 2010 by Rev. Ronald Parker

     Little me tell you a little about myself. I have been raised in a God fearing home. I went to a church every Sunday and went church every wednesday night. Went to a christain jr high, high school. Thats I already did 17 years of Christain education by the time I got out of high school.  A...

  • I Surrender

    Posted July 21, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      And hope makes us not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:5 “Surrender is for everyone! “If, after a period of time, we find ourselves in trouble with our recovery, we have probably stopped doing one or more of the...

  • Stewardship, Land Ownership

    Posted July 21, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Today’s reflection is about the wilderness management ministry that I have incorporated into my life journey.  It is a lifetime project and research in the Lord that I will continue to build.  It is about the slavery to sin, the freedom of the Spirit and the afterlife of Jesus....

  • When Facing Change

    Posted July 21, 2010 by Seer Ashlamaz

    It is imperative when facing change, to remember. Many times when we are faced with change, while still in the midst of this evolution of Divine Consciousness, we find ourselves lost in three dimensions; the natural dimension- the emotional and the most important which is the inner dimension of You...

  • Atmospheric Influence

    Posted July 18, 2010 by Gerald Henthorn

    A while back I was sitting in my trailer during one of those hot, humid, oppressive Nebraska summers.  The Sun had shone steadily on my little tin box dwelling place, making it feel like an oven inside.   I had a dinky little window AC unit crammed into one of my windows, and, try ...

  • Never Mind, "What are we going to do during this Global Extinction, Warming, Warning?

    Posted July 17, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    Never Mind, “What Are We Going to Do During Global Extinction, Warming?” What is homogenization in previous times?  It is evident that extinction comes from a homogenous life.  People are not different from plant and animal species in the aspect of reduction to biodiversity.  It is w...

  • Big the day is comeing

    Posted July 17, 2010 by Rev.Mike Allen

    I would like to take this time o tell you all thet  next thursday tommy is getting marry So i be doing the  wedding  on thurday july 23,2010  . Tommy  new wife to be real neat person and see the love in their eyes Yes tommy mom and dad  and tommy wife  mom dad...

  • The Inside Job

    Posted July 14, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      An “Inside Job”  “Social acceptability does not equal recovery.”  But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.  2 Thessalonians3:3 Today is a reflection on the inner work of our lives.  It is obvious that working against our own pleasures th...

  • Why Believe?

    Posted July 14, 2010 by Charles Lee, Jr

    Why should anyone believe in the ways of "The Christian's" Christ?     BELIEVE because geneticists say there's only one Genome Blue Print for Human Beings and The Bibles says all mankind was made from His image and likeness. BELIEVE because quantum science says all thi...

  • R.I.P. Bishop Walter L. Hawkins

    Posted July 13, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    We have lossed one of the GREATEST GOSPEL SONG WRITER'S in the history of this world. I am sad but I know he is in a better place. "HE'S GOING UP YOUNDER"......R.I.P. Bishop Walter L. Hawkins 1949-2010. You will be missed!!!!

  • Celtic Clergy: What Do You Wear to Officiate?

    Posted July 13, 2010 by Marc Kivel, M.A.

    I'm a bit conflicted, I confess, about how to dress when officiating at various public rites.   These include house blessings, blessing of unions, eucharists, morning and evening prayer, special feasts.  Some of the examples of celebrant dress I have seen in my area are...

  • A way of writing

    Posted July 13, 2010 by Reverend Daniel Wolfe

    I have already been asked; "Why do you not write G-d's name completely, instead of putting the letter "o", you put in a dash line?" The answer goes to my Jewish belief's. Jews do not casually write any Name of G-d. This practice does not come from the commandment not to take the Lord�...

  • Some Benefits of Fixed Liturgy

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Marc Kivel, M.A.

    I'm sometimes asked why I favor using fixed liturgy rather than spontaneous prayer during public worship.  We should remember that the word liturgy comes from a Greek term with the connotation of "the people's work."  All the people, not just the celebrant!  While there...

  • Books for Continuing Ministry Education

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Marc Kivel, M.A.

    There are some books which cross denominational boundaries, time, and place, and may lead to expanding our ministry.  Here are works which have been helpful in my continuing development as a minister: Henri Nouwen et al. Compassion. This short work helps define the importance of practicing com...

  • First Church of Life in the Universe - 1# sermon

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Leonardo Carvalho

    As everyone knows, there is only one God who deserves worship and praise. This is God's response is simply an endless multiplication of God for yourself. This God is in himself the reverence it deserves because he is also the principle of the universe. He dwells in the highest, far beyond m...

  • First Church of Life in the Universe - Principia

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Leonardo Carvalho


  • First Church of Life in the Universe - Precepts

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Leonardo Carvalho


  • First Church of Life in the Universe - Lay

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Leonardo Carvalho


  • First Church of Life in the Universe - Manifesto

    Posted July 12, 2010 by Leonardo Carvalho

    Born in our time, the growing need that we commune in a very strictly to God without ties, with no shame or masks. This need is only getting better every day cured through a direct relationship creator-creature. Even so, there must be a U.S. policy, something that guides the development work of the ...

  • The Popular Culture

    Posted July 11, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      The Popular Culture Missing My Fans: Fame is nothing without Fans   What can I say today, I was looking into my heart and my reflection made me realize that life is more precious than gold. It is today that gives us the right to find life. It is within our hope and a promise to ...

  • Purpose

    Posted July 11, 2010 by Reverend Daniel Wolfe

    My wife, a lifelong Christian, having been raised in the Lutheran Church, asked me what I hoped to gain by accepting the ordination into the Universal Life Monestary. After all, it isn't a "real" church...it's just an on-line thing... Now, I underlined the comment about it being, just an...

  • Just an update

    Posted July 10, 2010 by James McGraw

     Just an update to all my Brothers and Sisters in this world: I have not forgotten about you, I am heading out to Virginia to compete in a Soldier of the Year competition. I have been scarce in posting because I have been training up. I will not be seen online at all for the next week while I ...

  • Social Security VS. The Elderly and Disabled

    Posted July 10, 2010 by Reverend Vernon L Black

    In this wave of so called  governmental reformation we find the elderly and the disabled once more fighting for their very survival against a corrupt and merciless government. Proving once again beyond a shadow of a doubt, the malice the government truly has towards the elderly and disabled. In...

  • Who am I?

    Posted July 9, 2010 by Reverend Daniel Wolfe

    By way of introduction, I am Daniel Wolfe, a married father of 5. Four grown and out of the house daughters with their own families, and a 13 year old, man cub. I am a civil engineer by profession, currently residing in Edmonton Alberta. I am a citizen of the United States of America, and extremel...


    Posted July 8, 2010 by Deleted Member

    A MAN I KNOW NAMED CARL recently wrote the following regarding suspension of unemployment benefits: Here we go again. Should we extend unemployment compensation or not? Will Americans try harder to find a job, any job, if they have no unemployment compensation? Why are we always nosing around at...

  • Me and Sid Out at the Break Table

    Posted July 8, 2010 by Gerald Henthorn

    I’ve heard this expression quite often in recent years, “You are a spirit having a materiel experience.”  For some reason, that expression conflabergasted me.  I just wasn’t grasping the concept.  I should say I wasn’t getting a good grip on it, it kept trying to slip back out of my f...

  • Spent the day at the beach...

    Posted July 8, 2010 by Helena Brunnelson

    Good morning everyone.  Yesterday a very good, long-time friend and I took my giorls out to spend the day at the Delaware Beach yesterday.  After spending the day there, neither, he nor I realized how tense and stressed out we both were.  WIth the girls only being 6 and 9, and the bot...

  • New to Ministry

    Posted July 7, 2010 by Jamie Frost

    So I have become Ordained on the 1st of July, and I already am 'chasing my tail' to get registered where I live. I keep being sent to different place, lol. To those who have realized/care my blog layout is boring. I REALLY hate CSS even though I excel in HTML I can't get CSS working, ...

  • Definitions

    Posted July 6, 2010 by Jizo Hodo Thompson

     Words: The blocks the we use to build the walls that separate us.  Thoughts: The cement that holds those blocks together.

  • False PROPHETS....WATCH OUT!!!!!!!

    Posted July 5, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    The True Prophet Hears From God Through Dreams: Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. The True Prophet Preaches Repentance And Obedience To God's Law Jer 23:21 I h...

  • Spiritual Discernment....GOD'S GIFT!!!!

    Posted July 5, 2010 by Minister Beverly Williams

    Spiritual discernment: calling on the Holy Spirit to lead or give direction on a matter. It is how the Spirit shows the church or its people what God wants them to do and be. There is discernment of: gifts, spirits, actions, intents, the times we live in. Discernment is more than just a ski...


    Posted July 5, 2010 by Deleted Member

    I am in front of a tiny desk fan with a blue lunchbox ice pack from a dollar store parked on a plate in front of it (poor woman's air conditioning) and I have another ice pack at the base of my spine and ice water in a cup.  GOD IS GOOD.  I have a roof over my head, literally (top att...

  • July 5 - Day after Independence Day

    Posted July 5, 2010 by Helena Brunnelson

    I am the kind of person who likes to hear about the American history that no one likes to talk about.  I do not want to hear about what is put in the text books and such, because I feel that they are censored and regulated by those who do not want their forefaters to look bad - as if it would m...

  • a story for all and a worthy cause

    Posted July 4, 2010 by Popette Aeris Sky Ritalee Shotts

    sup all, my mom has chronic copd and lung infection for life and is on 24 hour air. now the worthy cause is simple while waiting for her to get into the ambulance to go to the hospital she was set up and the ems was walking out of the hallway to the ambulance and the ambulance was stolen. i learned ...

  • Have We Entered a Holy War?

    Posted July 4, 2010 by Sage David Rosman

     My friends, Here is my latest commentary for InkandVoice.com. As always, your comments and critiques are welcomed. “Afghanistan has become an apocalyptic movement to assure the second coming of the Messiah. Without the existence of Israel, without the defeat of the Islamic enemy, without the...

  • Bad Conduct and Unacceptable SUBJECT MATTER

    Posted July 4, 2010 by Molly Hastin

    Hi, My name is Molly and I received a phone call (number blocked by caller) a couple of days ago that was totally disgusting, immoral and unacceptable.  There are persons out there that search Universal Church of Life's Registries to gain names and numbers for the sole purpose of their own...

  • FREEDOM: Where do we Start?

    Posted July 4, 2010 by Deleted Member

    James 1:25 (New International Version) But the one who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.   James 1:25 (New International Version)   ...


    Posted July 3, 2010 by Deleted Member

    A FRIEND GAVE ME THIS POEM 30 YEARS AGO. I MEMORIZED IT AND HAVE LONG SINCE LOST THE NAME OF THE POET. Does anyone know the name of the author? " If all the music died and music-makers ceased, I think you'd stand and sing a hymn of hope and peace. If nights of doubt and fear against the Li...

  • Life is something to hold dear

    Posted July 3, 2010 by Rev. Richard Villalba-Navarette

    What can we achieve when we only look over what God has given so precious? We can achieve so much through guiding others in ways they need or evidently do not know how at times. It is our responsibility to serve purpose and to add I serve my purpose even while i fight for my life. I am undergoing...

  • My Lady, The Santerian Shawomyn Harris

    Posted July 1, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    Work in progress   Keisha Merchant June 12, 2010 Introduction Cultural Poverty One Chance Her hair sits on her head shares with her brain Her eyes look deeply intently as a spy Her breasts like apples forbidden in the garden Her vagina ravished as the harlot Her thi...

  • Candy-coated Christian PUSH

    Posted June 30, 2010 by Daniel Markley

      I thank you for writing to me : ) I respect your beliefs as you do mine. I have but ONE point to state and that is, no matter who/what you God is.. we will ALL be going to judgement very soon if we do not honor, respect, and love our earth and each other a whole lot more than we have. Je...

  • The After Life Saga Meditations Series

    Posted June 29, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      This is my new series for all those who are recovering addicts, or some would say, life is a recovering addiction.  I will love for it to be all of the above as an affirmation to the restoration movement that love can heal all things, and restore all decay in human life.  Now let u...


    Posted June 29, 2010 by Jesse Werlein

    http://admin.home.ecamsoil.operaunite.com/stream/  join me live on the net to lurn YAHWEH's WORD!

  • Blessing of the rings

    Posted June 28, 2010 by Craig DAmato

    I was wondering if anyone has blessed the rings in a ceremony. I have a wedding coming up and I was asked to perform this during the ceremony. Obviously I havent done this before and was looking for some insight. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!

  • In Your Image

    Posted June 27, 2010 by James McGraw

     I want to preface this blog by explaining the view that I am coming from: I believe there is a higher divine power. It exists in ways we can only begin to dream of. I believe that mankind has experienced intense enlightenment with this being, and as time progresses we follow the pendullum...


    Posted June 26, 2010 by Deleted Member

    I LOST HIM TWICE. He was my birth son. His father deserted me before he was born. I was soon to be homeless with no place to live. My sister who was suppossed to be renting a house with me moved out halfway through the lease without ever having paid rent or utilities and I was struggling. We were re...

  • Water of Love

    Posted June 26, 2010 by Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose

    Water is the source of all life on Earth. We should all do something about the terrible oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. Whether we are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto or any other religion, or even an athiest, we should offer our complete intention to healing the water of the Earth, espe...

  • The Gospel of Thomas

    Posted June 25, 2010 by Astrologer Stephen Lilly

    A book many think predates the “official” Gospels. It is certainly my favorite. The following passage is one I come back to often. (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man." ...

  • My Sister Performers

    Posted June 23, 2010 by Lisa Herek

    It's not related to Ministry.  Not in any tangible sense. I am a member of a couple of different performance art groups.  It is fulfilling- even necessary to me- to be able to perform.  I feel that drama is a powerful way to illustrate, and can reach people in ways that the spok...


    Posted June 23, 2010 by Rev.Mike Allen

    HELLO everon some  you rember i was tell you about  tommy  the young men i help out and get back feet  and got him a job  and famiily . Well got some good new to tell you all  tommy  meet  real nice young landy and  they been going out  well tommy&#...

  • The human body

    Posted June 23, 2010 by Joel Davis

    In days long gone people didn't know what a mental illness was, if someone acted strangely they were possessed by evil spirits. As science in medicine and advancement in the understanding of how the human mind works psychiatrists re-categorized the symptoms as mental illness and disorders. Spir...

  • Spirits

    Posted June 23, 2010 by Joel Davis

    In the Garden of Eden there were two trees that were set apart and special. One was the Tree of Life and the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Adam and Eve became aware of something new, for now we will call it sin. Sin is ...

  • Higher Calling (cont.)

    Posted June 22, 2010 by Darrell Olson

    I am hoping to begin a congregation there and maybe one day occupy a space to call home as a church! I do not have much to offer but my own understanding of the light of God which shines through us all, but it is my hope to extend this torch of light and love to others so they might be able to f...

  • Neighbors and Sidewalks

    Posted June 21, 2010 by Lisa Herek

    I went to Hobby Lobby today and bought a box of chalk pastels.  64 beautiful, vibrant colors.  They were on sale.  I had been inspired by the neighborhood kids.  I decided to use my chalks to create a sidewalk masterpiece.  So I sat down with my box of colors and a stiff pa...


    Posted June 20, 2010 by Cary Giacomini

    For you to say that Modesto Church is a sinking ship. I halve to ask what kind of PIRATE are you?  (to let a brother fall). If indeed it is a sinking ship, then the illusion is true... You cannot find GOD in a church. So i salute you in your computer upgrades, but i would rather put my faith in...

  • slow down

    Posted June 20, 2010 by Cary Giacomini

    the tests in life that i am learning right now is how to slow down long enough to see what is i front of me. I cant always look at my feet when i walk, i must keep my head held high for im am looking for a sign, and when it comes i will be fully aware and willing to receive it. MARANATHA


    Posted June 20, 2010 by Deleted Member

    Father's Day:Celebrating Dad for 100 Years BY Chris Epting Contributor AOL News (June 19) -- You could call Sonora Smart Dodd the "Mother of Father's Day." After all, the holiday, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, was inspired by her. Dodd's mother died in 1...


    Posted June 19, 2010 by Deleted Member

    Earlier this week I was walking down the street and I felt a presence behind me.  Then I felt a force pick me up and turn me around so that I was facing a man who was nearly 3 inches from my face.  I gave him a cold stare.  In one second flat he looked at the ground and then in the ne...


    Posted June 18, 2010 by Deleted Member

    We post on our profile whether we DO weddings.  I wonder how many of us preside at funerals and I am curious to know how many advertise this service and to whom.  I am planning to live a long time mind you but I also wonder sometimes about my own funeral and wonder if its considered to be ...

  • Salvation IS Bliss

    Posted June 18, 2010 by Ki'Dasa Durga

    Have Faith in the Divine, but do not forget to Act on the behalf of the Divine. These Actions are one's personal "physical" link to the Divine, and as such the feeling they induce is Pure Bliss. The Mind is CONSTANTLY seeking stimulation, the more the better. That's why Depression lasts so...

  • The call

    Posted June 18, 2010 by Barbara Hood-smith

                it comes sometimes in our darkest hour, sometimes in our dreams, sometime it manifests in our soul, and spirit. We know that we are different, and our path has already been chosen for us. sometimes we try to run from it, but only to return. God has cal...

  • King David

    Posted June 17, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Study of David: King David David: Scriptures Search: BibleGateWay.com By Keisha Merchant                   This is about a boy who grew up in a man. It is with the feminist lens that David had to learn how to...

  • Worldly Embrace

    Posted June 17, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      Letter of Intent Dear Director:  I am graduating in Fall 2010.  I would like to apply for the Pilot Project Program to work on my research of Ecofeminism model for social and health justice to human and tree life.  I am interested in the opportunity to apply for the award for...

  • Is the US a Christian Nation?

    Posted June 16, 2010 by Sage David Rosman

    I am doing some research concerning the support of the position that the United States was founded as a Christian nation. The amount of information I have received is mostly anecdotal, selected quotes from Founding Fathers or selections from the Christian Bible. I am searching for objective evidence...

  • Tamashii Reiki

    Posted June 15, 2010 by Ki'Dasa Durga

      Tamashii--Soul Rei—Universal or Spiritual Ki—Life Force Energy This system of Reiki is founded upon Usui Reiki as well as my own research and discoveries. One cold night in October of 1999, in the infamous Reifer Building, I “GOT IT”. I remember I was freezing, the heat hadn'...

  • open ur eyes

    Posted June 14, 2010 by Cary Giacomini

    when you look at someone, you have the choice to acknowledge either the human itself, or the spirit within. By doing this as you introduce yourself by saying hi, what spirit are you of, look into their eyes, thus calling out the spirit. Changing one soul at a time.

  • A long absence...

    Posted June 14, 2010 by Apostolic Emissary Clifford Crate

    ...filled with many lessons. To all my friends I say Hello! God is not the only one who loves you without condition. It has been quite a while since I have been here, but God has not kept me idle. More lessons, both joyous and sad, had to be learned by this stubborn, smart-alecky man. And it ain&...

  • Prayer Request

    Posted June 14, 2010 by Rev. Alan (Spirit Hawk) Warford

              For the last three years my Grandmother has lived with us after Grandfather passed away. She has always been ablesing and a help to our family .she lost alot of strength and weght due to the grieve that she was bearing but always came...

  • Majestic Purpose

    Posted June 13, 2010 by Rev.Timothy Myrick

    "But you must know that we are not the center of the universe, you and I, neither as individuals nor as the representatives of the whole human race. God's universe must be considered as one great whole composed of interrelated parts, and it's majestic purpose is not the gratification of ar...

  • Trust In God

    Posted June 13, 2010 by Rev.Timothy Myrick

    Trust in God, real and actual trust for "God can afford to wait, whether to convert the unbelieving, to reward the just or to punish the wicked- God can afford to wait. With Him everything comes home in the end. Our work is to not only believe that, but to show that we believe that by everything tha...

  • Out Come Of Our Life

    Posted June 13, 2010 by Rev.Timothy Myrick

    In the sight of God there is only one time and only one story, of which all days on earth and all human events are parts. And that can only be discovered- it can not be taught. We only see the here and now for us, but God sees all, the past to the future. Only He knows the ending to this story.

  • Still going

    Posted June 13, 2010 by Joshua Smith

    Life just keeps on moving along. I'm still at the same job but some changes are on the horizon. And with a love in my life now things just keep getting better. A few months ago I received my minister's license from the state clerk's office and am scheduled to perform my first wedding...

  • A coming Together

    Posted June 13, 2010 by Matthew James

    Why is it that although we want to come together, or at least we say we do.  We get stuck on who is incharge?  Why cant we come together and work with one another, I am not just talking about pagans, but those of other lifestyles, all those dark and not so dar sub-communities that are out ...


    Posted June 12, 2010 by Deleted Member


  • Help in the Gulf

    Posted June 11, 2010 by Rev. Matthew Gregory/Knight OCC

    Please could all please Pray for the People that this oil spill has put in these very tuff TIMES........................

  • my ordination

    Posted June 9, 2010 by Rev.Cory A. Clark

    Dear.brothers an sisters my ordination was signed by chaplin BR.Martin dose that sound right?  

  • Graduation day

    Posted June 8, 2010 by Rev.Frank Matwyuk

     I wanna congradulate all of the parents who have kids in high school who have graduated and for the most part I wanna say con gradrats to all of the high school grads for a job well done..... May god be with you in the future.

  • Missing a Friend

    Posted June 8, 2010 by James Thorpe

    My Boxer was put down yesterday. I'm glad cancer isn't hurting him no more. He was such a loyal companion and friend. He gave sweet kisses and had sincere eyes. He was the sweetest puppy i've ever known and taught me so much. I will miss him so much. We still have his Mother and Broth...

  • Into to a Spiritual Tourguide

    Posted June 7, 2010 by Ki'Dasa Durga

    Greetings and salutations. I am a newly Ordained Minister here with ULC. I'm having some difficulty wrapping my brain around the whole Minister thing. lol I've always wanted to be a Spiritual Counselor but I don't follow any particular religion. Through personal experience and/or ex...

  • Trembling Before G-D

    Posted June 6, 2010 by Daniel Stringfellow

    I would like to first say I do not know anything about the Jewish faith and everything I am about to say is from a documentary I just watched called “Trembling Before G-D”.   I thought I had it bad in the Christian faith but at least I have another place I can go.  The Documentary i...

  • Atoms Within Us?!

    Posted June 6, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    This article will be the beginning article to a new series, chapter in my life.   I am finished with my women’s program.  The last 36 weeks I had discussed issues of race, class and sex.  I demonstrated the process of theory and science in the world of women.  Now I am going...


    Posted June 3, 2010 by Deleted Member

    WE HONOR THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE COMPANIONS AS A GOD-GIVEN RIGHT Dear President Obama: You are the product of an interracial marriage which is still considered to be illegal and immoral by many Christians and many Americans today. If you believe that you are the POSITIVE OUTCOME of a non-traditio...

  • Astrology and History

    Posted June 3, 2010 by Astrologer Stephen Lilly

    Hello all. Anyone interested in Astrology, particularly its impact on religious history?

  • Historical Revelations

    Posted June 3, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      All African slaves were princes and princesses.  Why were they royal blood and lineages?  It was a war tactic of the conquest strategic plans to take royal blood from these territories to keep them weak from future invasions.  They found that they were able to keep an eye...

  • Family

    Posted June 1, 2010 by Craig DAmato

      As we go through life we meet people day in and day out. Some we consider friends some we consider acquaintances some we don’t consider at all. But every once in a while there are those that go beyond friendship, people that mean more to you than any friend that you may have ever had in your...

  • The Avatar Review

    Posted May 29, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

      I just watch Avatar.  Wow, what amazing feminist model created by a male director.  I was definitely amazed the equality and ecofeminism approach to society, colonization, and drama.  It had the romance, and I thought it was tasteful. I found that it had all the elements of sc...

  • A suggestion?

    Posted May 28, 2010 by Suzanna Schroeder

    So, I divorced (after being separated for 11 years) and got a name change.  With that, I had to reregister for ordination and basically start all over.  At the end of July, I will be getting married and will have another name change.  So I will have to start over again.  ...


    Posted May 26, 2010 by Erika Wolf

    Hello My name is erika and I will be getting married in Lake Geneva Wisconsin on October 2, 2010.  We live in Illinois and are having my uncle marry us.  My Uncle recently became ordained and needs a letter of sponsorship from someone in Wisconsin to marry us.  If anyone knows ho...

  • Searching for Answers--The Truth, Way and Life in Christ

    Posted May 26, 2010 by Keisha Merchant

    Who defined the research problem?   "Because of the way Maori society was structured, because of its unique world view, and because of its strong oral tradition, knowledge itself was never held to be universally available. " (Smith, 2008, pp.172)   Who define the research problem?...