Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network



    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    Luke 15:1-10 All the homosexuals and the homeless and the drug dealers and sex workers and meth addicts and convicted child pornographers came to Jesus to listen to him. And the conservative evangelicals and the Bible scholars denounced him, “He is opening the door of the church to the w...


    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    Meet the Anawim: The Poor in the Old Testament The term “anawim” in Hebrew means “the poor seeking the Lord for deliverance.” Although the term is only used some 23 times in the plural, the idea of God’s people being poor and delivered by Him is found throughout...


    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    Below are some of the main passages that use the Hebrew term, “anawim”, defined as “the poor who seek the Lord for deliverance”: Psalm 9:18 The anawim will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever. Psalm 10:17 O Yahweh, You have heard the desi...


    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    We shall now procede to go off on a fascinating (and certainly controversial) topic.  CJB  Genesis 6:13 God said to Noach, "The end of all living beings has come before me, for because of them the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy them along with the earth.  We have read...


    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    I’m going to deal with issues that some Christians might not have thought about. I’m also going to deal mainly with spiritual principles and important foundational things that I call God’s Governing Dynamics, which are laid out for us Genesis 1. Here there are Principles and Dynami...


    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    Here we discover two more important fundamentals: 1) that YHWH has blessed and made holy one day per week, the 7th, and 2) that He rested in that day so that all that He had created could, itself, produce and re-produce.  The first part of this is pretty straightforward; YHWH created everythin...

  • Church Replacement Theology is False

    Posted December 30, 2010 by Richard Harrison

    In light of this reality, His people are the one single born again people of Israel, who are spiritually saved, and redeemed, but who also have legitimate claims to being physically descended from Abraham, Isaac,, and Jacob. The second breakaway, ...

  • Marriage Preparation Manual

    Posted December 29, 2010 by "General" Hafeezah

    A MUST HAVE IN EVERY HOME! The Relationship Workbook Set is now Available!!!!!!!!!!! Before You Say, "I Do!" By Author, “General”  Hafeezah, is available for only $49.99 This two book, His/Hers Workbook Set, is the perfect tool for getting to know your beloved before you marry....

  • Prayer Animal Poem

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Daniel Clark

    When the time comes...   If it should be that I grow weak, and pain should keep me from my sleep; Then you must do what must be done, for this last battle can not be won. You will be sad, I understand; but do not let grief then stay your hand. For this day more than all the rest, your Lov...

  • Prayer for a Decreased Animal

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Laying your power hand on or over (if right handed it's your right hand) the animal and say: Small friend, in the name of the Gracious Lady, Do I bid you forget your broken shell. It can serve you no longer. I bid you in the name of the Patroness Remove all that is Wild and Free, To go beyond...

  • What More Could A Mother Want?

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    This story started in 1971 in California, I was underage pregnant and pretty much homeless. I had been travelling around the country and really did not have a place I could call home. I would get work in all night diners as a waitress so that I would have a roof over my head and food in my stomach. ...

  • A bit of useful advice - verified by the Dorset Police

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    This actually happened to someone's daughter. Lauren was 19 yrs old and in college. This story takes place over the Christmas/New Year's holiday break. when an UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put its lights on. Lauren's parents have 4 children (of various ages) and have always told...

  • Wiccan Handfasting Ceremony

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Priestess speaks: Welcome, friends, as we gather to celebrate the marriage of Bride and Groom.  Divine One, I ask thee to bless this couple, their love, and their marriage as long as they shall live in love together.  May they each enjoy a healthy life filled with joy, love, stability a...


    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    The following wedding ceremony was written to provide for Pagans who must of necessity be wed in the presence of those who are not pagan and are perhaps unaware that the bride and groom are pagan. [PRIEST] We have come together here in celebration of the joining together of ____bride______ and ____...

  • Navajo Wedding Blessing

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Now you have lit a fire and that fire should not go out. The two of you now have a fire that represents love, understanding and a philosophy of life. It will give you heat, food, warmth and happiness. The new fire represents a new beginning - a new life and a new family. The fire should keep burning...

  • Apache Wedding Blessing

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. May beaut...

  • Cherokee Wedding Prayer

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Great Spirit in heaven above, please protect the ones we love. We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together. We honor Earth Mother - and ask for our marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons. We honor Wind - and ask we sail though life safe and calm as in ...

  • Pagan Definitions

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    Abracadabra A word from the Jewish mystical tradition of Qabala. Its root is the name of the Gnostic deity Abraxas, meaning "hurt me not". It is said to possess magickal powers, especially of protection from illness. ABSENT HEALING A form of faith healing that involves the projection of positive he...

  • The Do's and Don'ts of Witchcraft

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    From the WLPA Informative Leaflet Witches do not do evil - We believe that doing evil and harm is against all ethical and moral laws. Further, Witchcraft tells us "An ye harm none (not even yourself), do what ye will". Witches do not worship Satan - We do not have a Satan/Devil or any all-evil dei...

  • Principles of Wiccan Belief

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    As Adopted By The Council Of American Witches Witch meet, April 11-14, 1974, Minneapolis, Minnesota The Council of American Witches finds it necessary to define modern Witchcraft in terms of the American experience and needs. We are not bound by traditions from other times and other cultures and o...

  • Handbook for Chaplains

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    The military has prepared a book for the guidance of its chaplains when dealing with a soldier of a non-traditional faith. The book is: "Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains" (1990) It can be ordered from: USAF Chaplain's Service...

  • What is it Like to Grow Up in North Carolina?

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    When you are born and raised in the beautiful state of North Carolina, you learn to be the best person you can be. You are a daughter or a son of the South, which is rich with Southern Hospitality. In North Carolina, you learn how to be tolerant of others, to accept others for who and what they are ...

  • Things You May Not Know About North Carolina

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    North Carolina has total of 100 counties and the city of Raleigh is the state Capital. The state is located on what is known as the Atlantic Seaboard of the United States and in the Southeastern part of the US. Its bordering states are South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia. North Carolina ...

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Pagan?

    Posted December 29, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason

    I get this question all the time and the only way I personally know how to answer this question is to simply say, that being a pagan is not a disease, but a way of life.  How we live our lives everyday determines what we are. I personally live my life the way that I feel it should be lived, ope...

  • Be The Miracle That God Made You To Be!

    Posted December 28, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    Be The Miracle That God Made You To Be! I just a few short days, it will be another Monday, but a new year!  My normal routine for Mondays and Wednsdays mean I am up at 5:00 am, showered; dressed; dog pottied - fed - and medicated; to-go breakfast made with hot cocoa in a to-go cup (with...

  • Registering as a minister/clergy in Massachusetts

    Posted December 27, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Thought this may be helpful to other people as well wanting to register as a minister/clergy or wedding officiant. You just need to fax your letter of good standing and a copy of your certificate to the secretary of state. attn: tim coughlin fax # 617-727-5914 //   You have to send a fax eve...

  • LOVE And The Church

    Posted December 27, 2010 by Bishop Craig Norman Om4c/ MK/OCC/ MWD/BUSA

    I want to open with We has Ministers are The Embassador's Of God's Love on this earth, This is a very imporatant position that The Spirit has imparted to us. So What is God? God is the very thing we have faith in a Higher Power that can guide and effect Our Steps, choice's, thoughts, a power that is...

  • being a witness of jesus

    Posted December 26, 2010 by Brother Jerry (Geno) Berry

    There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. John 1:33; Mal 3:1; Matt 3:1; Mark 1:2; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Luke 7:27; 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. i beli...

  • Irritable Brain Syndrome

    Posted December 26, 2010 by Gerald Henthorn

    It’s very early in the morning of December 26th, the day after Christmas.  A lot of people I know tend to get down in the dumps this time of year, way down in the dumps.  I can’t remember getting that way.  I was raised in a Jehovahs Witness household, so we didn&rsquo...

  • Abundance

    Posted December 25, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    If you’ve read the Old Testament, you probably noticed that God blessed and took care of the Israelites.  He abundantly blessed them as long as they were obedient to His ways.  He told them that they would have great success and prosper if they learned and followed His laws. (Joshua ...

  • A Lost Soul!

    Posted December 25, 2010 by Justin Strutton CHUC,UT,MT,CENA

       Have you ever felt that you are walking in a long dark hallway with no windows, no given direction, and not understanding or knowing what you should do.  I do not know what path that I follow, because I do not fully believe in any one religion fully. I believe in God, but I do not ...

  • Journey to Silent Night

    Posted December 24, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    for this one blog, please click on the link below http://katydid-lifesmorsels.blogspot.com/   Merry Christmas Kaye Andrews

  • Who or what is the "Comforter" mentioned in the gospel of John?

    Posted December 23, 2010 by Anthony Archer

    In the New testament John writes that Jesus said he will send a "Comforter". Who, or what does he mean by this statement? Some say the comforter is Muhammad. Others say this can not be so because Muhammad did/does not glorifiy Christ. Is the "Comforter" yet to arrive? Will a comforter ever arrive? I...

  • Isaac's Christmas Pastoral Message 2010

    Posted December 23, 2010 by Patriarch ISAAC

    O lux beatissima, Reple cordis intima Tuorum fidelium As we have begun to enter this joyous season of Christmas let us all take a moment to reflect on what this message means for us. Tonight churches around the world are celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus The Christ.  If yo...

  • Blessings

    Posted December 23, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    In the book of Deuteronomy, we find God telling his people that if they will keep his commandments he will make all of their work plentiful, increase their cattle and cause abundant fruit to grow. (Deut. 30:9-10) Though this was thousands of years ago and God was talking about farming, we can still ...

  • Run With The Eyes of a Devil...and keep him in your dreams...

    Posted December 22, 2010 by Pr. William Barrett

    I was at my grandmothers home lying down on her floor on a matress one night...i felt something trying to scratch at me like a puppy trying to get warm in  the cold...i let it roll off my shoulder...it happened and whatever it was got bigger. i tried reaching over and my hand wouldnt go anyfurt...

  • I must confess...I felt like a MONSTER

    Posted December 22, 2010 by Pr. William Barrett

    From the time I was 12 til the time i was 17, I felt "different," No, not different as how i am now. I mean different as in...There's something...something deep inside of me that I couldn't keep caged. I started losing my temper, the people that had the gift could see black aura's around me. When i ...

  • Giving

    Posted December 21, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Most of us can relate to giving someone a gift, or blessing them with money, or assistance, and walking away with such a joyful heart!  Simply giving out of a generous heart and not expecting anything in return.    We live in such a materialistic society.  Greed and envy covet ...

  • Your wedding day

    Posted December 21, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

     A wedding day is a celebration of love and of life. It is a celebration not to create a bond or a union, but rather to rejoice in the one that already exists. It marks the continuation of a journey, the next step in ensuring that all that a couple shares now shall deepen and grow stronger thro...

  • Solstice Dream

    Posted December 21, 2010 by Bill Duff

    The dream started with me and a group of others throwing sticks on the roof of a very high building, and the sticks kept sliding off.  Then I said let's go in, and the group followed me up a flight of stairs to a doorway that led to a large hall.  The hall was a mixture of black and white,...


    Posted December 21, 2010 by Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose

    PLURALISM Exclusivity, inclusivity, and pluralism are the three broad approaches to the question of religious diversity in the 21st century. Vatican II, under the leadership of Pope John Paul II , changed Christianity from the exclusive view it had for centuries into a more inclusive view thereby...

  • Thank you. Bless You

    Posted December 19, 2010 by Pr. William Barrett

    Hello friends and all who may read this. I would like to personally thank the 2 most influential people i've met on this site. 1.) Bishop J.W. Stansell: Thank you brother. Thank you for being the one to welcome me to my new home in this website. Thank you for giving me your insight and helpin...


    Posted December 19, 2010 by Deleted Member

    The celebration of Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. THE SOLSTICE THIS YEAR IS ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 21st. When people were hunters and spent most of their time outdoors, the seasons and weather played a very important part in their lives. Bec...

  • Taking Care of yourself

    Posted December 19, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Small Steps Eat healthy foods and exercise. It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Just about everyone has the ability to do this, but yet so few follow through. It's all about choices. Changing eating habits is a choice and a process. Gradually reduce consumption of unhealthy foods and add healthy f...

  • Six - Christmas Mojo

    Posted December 19, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    Oi vai!  Holiday shopping!  Is this picture you? Every year, I promise myself and try very, very hard to calm those down around me about gift buying and the "keeping up the Joneses" mindset.  It is absolutely not necessary!  It is "meshugeh".  Not familiar with Yiddis...

  • "Jesus is coming: - is here !!!"

    Posted December 19, 2010 by Rev.Shane Andersen.DD(Hon)

    "Jesus is coming, is here !!! " ....... Message by Rev. Shane Andersen DD Let me first commence by throwing in a few different TIME LINES & explanations in right now... which may help to explain the difficult situation I'm in, by preaching on BOXING DAY. The day AFTER the BIRTH of CHRIST JESUS.......

  • Talents/Creativity

    Posted December 18, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    God is such a creative spirit! Just look around and take in the beauty and uniqueness of our world as well as human beings. Not one human is exactly like another. That takes creativity and an endless reservoir of inspiration and talent. God has given each of us talents and passions. Perhaps yours li...

  • Difficulty -

    Posted December 18, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Most people will agree that life is full of unexpected twists and turns as well as bumps in the road. No matter one’s race, religion, background, financial status, ect., difficulties come. Do you realize that as believers in God, we have...  moreDifficulty -Most people will agree that lif...

  • Marriage Preparation Workbook Set

    Posted December 18, 2010 by "General" Hafeezah

    www.GeneralHafeezah.com I've authored the complete workbook set for couples contemplating marraige.  A MUST HAVE! Anyone desireing to complete the discovery process BEFORE they gte married shoould consider this set of books.  Having been married 4 times, the Biography is borne out of exp...

  • Hypocrisy?

    Posted December 18, 2010 by Pr. William Barrett

    DISCLAIMER!!!!!!: This blog does not represent my current views...just questions i've had for years that have went unanswered!!!!   1.) The bible says that God will not put more on your shoulders than you can bare. If that's the case then why do people commit suicide because they can't take t...

  • Open Peace Ministries

    Posted December 18, 2010 by Pastor Jason Patterson

    Hello Every one God has placed it on my heart to start up a ministry. This has always been something that I wanted to do for some years. God is has giving the tools and wisdom to go for it.  If you are inserted in getting involved, or if God has placed something on your heart that you ...

  • A Little Advice for a young Pastor?

    Posted December 18, 2010 by Pr. William Barrett

    Where to begin??? Well I'm 20 years old.  I've recently became a pastor because of the obvious reasons, and to make my late grandmother proud...wherever she may be. But I question myself...not about being ordained...but with other things as well. I still listen to the heaviest of Metal Music, I...

  • Meditation does'nt Have to Be a Religious Thing

    Posted December 17, 2010 by Sean Snarr-Jones

    Loading...   Olivia Rosewood Posted: December 17, 2010 09:07 AM Don't Worry: Meditation Doesn't Have to Be a Religious Thing Really, it's not religious. It is merely the momentary pause of thought. It is as religious...

  • What does God think about work?

    Posted December 17, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Have you ever wondered what God thinks about work? Do you think he wants us to work or not? Let’s take a look at what he says in Genesis. God created the earth and that act was his very first “work”. The Bible records that he thought his creation was, “very good.” (Gen....

  • Living

    Posted December 17, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    The disasters and happenings over the course of the past century, whether man made or cosmic, have shaken and shattered the belief of man in himself, his being, the creator, convincing him firmly of the frailty of human life, and the ultimate futility of human endeavor. Yet, we go on. In the wo...

  • Restore Yourself

    Posted December 17, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    As we age, we tend to become more and more tired.  Perhaps we are not getting enough sleep, or are overly stressed, or haven’t taken care of our bodies very well.  Whatever the reason, fatigue can set in.  When we find ourselves in seasons like this, it is important to first, be...

  • Positive expectations/Faith

    Posted December 16, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    “If you can believe it, you can achieve it!”  Perhaps you’ve heard the previous phrase before. It may sound too good to be true, but there really is such power in having positive expectations.  Living with an attitude of expectancy, or having faith as the bible describe...

  • Marriage is God’s design

    Posted December 16, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    God said that he did not want Adam to be alone so he made Eve to be his mate.  God designed their union to be special, namely, husband and wife.  (Gen 2:18, 21-24) This union was the first recorded “wedding” in Christian history, thus, the institute of marriage was God’s ...

  • Nine - To Bethlehem and Back By Squinting!

    Posted December 16, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

      I found this amazing picture on the web.  Isn't it cool!  As we take another step closer to Christmas Day, I had to share this with you.  It's just beautiful and in a way, it goes along with the next part of the story leading us to the day of celebration of the birth of Jesu...

  • Twelve, Well Maybe Not

    Posted December 15, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    No, today is not day 12 in the countdown to Christmas, it is day 10. I had worked on a series of stories for the 12 day countdown, and in the middle of the night Monday, I woke up with the impression that I needed to start fresh and bring the stories to you with an entirely different outlook. So...

  • While Living

    Posted December 15, 2010 by Danny Schierl

    A quote from the movie/graphic novel V for Vendetta: Evey: Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici... V: "By the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe". ----- At some point, I would like to achieve this kind of greatness. No, not physical power I can touch and measure, but rather, it...

  • A question for the Christian ULC ministers

    Posted December 15, 2010 by radar pangaean

    Brothers and sisters,I have been browsing through some of the bios of the other ministers here. I'm very curious about something. Many of the ministers here appear to line up with the interfaith/no-faith policy that seems to me to be central to the core value of the ULC. It seems to me that being a...

  • This site's software

    Posted December 15, 2010 by radar pangaean

    The software used on this site strips carriage control from the posts i make in comments on the message board. When i compose a reply, i break it up into paragraphs to improve legibility. Once i submit it, the software strips out my blank lines and posts it all as one big paragraph. Could that ...

  • Chasing the wrong carrot

    Posted December 14, 2010 by Patriarch ISAAC

    All of us at some point in our lives have had dreams and goals. We have set them as the dangling carrot in front of our face to encourage us what we are working towards. For some of us though, it may seem like that carrot is a mile away and never getting closer. Every time you believe you have just ...

  • Moving forward

    Posted December 14, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Pursue your dreams Do you have a dream job? Have you pictured yourself working in a career that you absolutely love? Most of us have but the sad news is that the majority of people are working in a job that they do not like. For various reasons, they continue on day after day, countless hour after h...

  • Don't worry....Be happy

    Posted December 14, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    I remember years ago hearing the song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” and thinking to myself, “If only it were that simple.” According to an article in the New York Press, Americans are, on average, only 69% happy. (Seligman, M.E.P, 2002, Authentic Happiness, New York: Free P...

  • The healthy connection to God

    Posted December 13, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    It seems that when we try to live lives independent of God, we end up feeling empty and perhaps even disappointed. We try to fill a never-ending void with things such as material possessions, food, work, or hobbies and end up not being able to satiate our greatest need: Connection with God. Proverbs...


    Posted December 13, 2010 by Deleted Member

    The Winter Solstice that will be here on December 21st and the very last Full Moon of the year is called the "Cold" or "Frosty" Moon. Appearing on the longest night of the year, its absolute brilliance and power outshines all other Full Moons to glow magically for what seems like an eternity. And t...

  • Have Faith

    Posted December 13, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 God wants what is best for us. It is necessary to believe that our physical, spiritual, and mental health is important to God and he has provided m...

  • Calling and Ministers

    Posted December 13, 2010 by jimmy burton

    Today as of everyday prayer is needed. Let's pray for every woman child sick poor and rich. Also pray for our brother and sisters in the us military. I want to ask also that a special pray be sent out to my family, my wife and kids were just in a car accident this morning on the way to school all 4 ...

  • something i find funny

    Posted December 13, 2010 by Popette Aeris Sky Ritalee Shotts

    Hello my fellow brother and sister reverends and so forth. funny story today i was going to make a video blog but aaron talked me outta it. anyways this girl around 2 in th emorning my time posted something aboutt they hating christmas so i posted people thathate christmas must be because they didnt...

  • Serving out of Love

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Ephesians admonishes husbands to love their wives as Christ loved his people as well as how a man loves his own body. Jesus loved his people so much that he sacrificed his life. Men ought to love their wives with the same intense love. The relationship between Jesus and the church mirrors the relat...

  • Stuggling Financially

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    Struggling financially If you are struggling to make ends meet, perhaps it’s time to sit down and have a heart to heart with yourself and God. Ask God to reveal truth to you concerning your finances and career (or lack of career). Honestly ask questions such as, “Am I spending money on u...

  • Abundant Life

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Oracle C.T. Webb

    The human heart is an amazing organ and necessary for life.  It continually pumps life through our bodies, beating about 100,000 times a day.  Many things can affect the health of our hearts, such as stress and poor diet, but God tells us that it is good for us to have a cheerful heart and...

  • The Kabbalah and the Chakras

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Ki'Dasa Durga

    <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> The focus of Tamashii Reiki are the 20 Chakras of the Spirit Realm. These Chakras are the first set of "anchors" to existence in a unique form. Because these Chakras are in the the Spirit Realm there are no physical correlation...

  • Bipolar and Other Mentally Ill People in Positions of Power

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Rev. Margaret Echols

    Isiah 29:20-21 For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: That make a man an offender for a word and lay a snare for him that reproves in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought. Laws are being changed to more...

  • Christian Fellowship-Christian Companionship

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

    Christian fellowship occurs when two or more Christians are in one's another's company. The dictionary defines fellowship as "friendly association with others; companionship." Christian fellowship, then, involves friendly association with other Christians. It means you choose Christians to be your c...

  • Christian Fellowship-What Does it Mean for Me?

    Posted December 12, 2010 by Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

    Christian fellowship begins through a process of adoption. Are you a Christian today? If you are, you have been adopted by God. You may have heard it said that we are all God's children, but the truth is, we don't become God's children until we are adopted, through faith in Christ. He predestined u...

  • Officiating A Wedding

    Posted December 11, 2010 by Rev. Soroh Mandel

    Hi Everyone! I have been asked to offciant a wedding for some friends of mine, and have no clue about what I'm doing, or what to expect.  They have asked for a spiritual, but non-religious ceremony....help!

  • Journeys and Being Like Mary

    Posted December 11, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    With every step we take, we travel along a path, our journey through life.  Not all of it is going to be perfect.  There are going to be times when money is so scarce, you sit and fret over how to pay the electric bill or the car note, or even worse, put food on the table.  Most o...

  • Spirituality vs. Religion

    Posted December 10, 2010 by Rev. Deborah McComb

    One thing that I have noticed being on this site is the contention between the people that claim to be "Spiritual" and the ones that practice a particular religion. Just because you practice a specific religion with its particular "dogma" does not mean that you are not "spiritual". The opposit...

  • The Christ in us all

    Posted December 9, 2010 by Reverend Jim Hall

    Jesus was nothing more than a man. He was no different than you or me, but was thrust into a larger than life situation that has made him into the figurehead he is today. As we learn more about science and history we find ourselves looking back to the Bible as a reference. We have found that the sto...

  • Life

    Posted December 9, 2010 by Jim Roebuck

    Greetings all. It is almost Christmas and this is the time of the year when we all should be jolly and merry and willing to help our fellow man. But, over the years, we have allowed ourselves to be suckered into the stresses of what the holliday season has really become. Not only have we forgotten ...

  • The winds of change...

    Posted December 8, 2010 by Kathaleen Groomes

    Greetings, Beautiful Spirits!  Normally, I reserve this space for more formal articles, but today I am guided to stray from the ordinary.  I have noticed, lately, that change is in the air; not only are many people making changes in their lifestyle, either through eating better, exercising...

  • Do you believe in Santa Claus?

    Posted December 8, 2010 by Kathaleen Groomes

    Since I've spent the past two weeks packing, I've decided to take today off. I've got a hot tea, some gingersnaps and my laptop, and I'm sitting with my children watching “The Polar Express”. I've seen it over and over again, it being one of our family's favorite holiday movies, but I ...

  • Universal Life & Light Transformation

    Posted December 8, 2010 by Charley H

    Charley Henderson Universal Life & Light Spiritual, Psychic Guide & Teacher Reiki Master; Minister, Universal Life Church (425) 582-1711 universal.life.light@gmail.com http://universaltransformation.moonfruit.com I am a Spiritual and Psychic Teacher & Guide. I follow the Tao in my life, true and c...

  • Christmas Is Upon Us

    Posted December 8, 2010 by Kaye Andrews

    Christmas Is Upon Us Christmas is upon us.  What a wonderful time of year.  I only wish that people reacted in June the way they do in December. Today is Wednesday, December 8th.  In exactly 17 days from now at this very moment, presents will all be opened at my house and there ...


    Posted December 8, 2010 by Deleted Member



    Posted December 7, 2010 by Deleted Member

    ON THE SEVENTH NIGHT OF HANUKKAH WE READ THE FOLLOWING STORY ABOUT A TOWN IN POLAND: Two brothers in Poland were travelling from town to town.  They were Rabbis, young, poor and not yet well known.  They had to travel on foot from town to town to teach to support themselves.  They of...

  • Paranormal Activity...

    Posted December 7, 2010 by Drew G

    In this I would like some opinions. Many people of a Christian based faith do not believe in ghosts. Some believe it is insanity. Some believe it is demons, and some dont know what to believe or just choose not too believe either way. In my time in life I have always believed in God and know my path...


    Posted December 7, 2010 by Deleted Member

    (Thank you to Rev. R. Shotts, Rev. M. Echols and Rev. M. Luljak whose conversations with me inspired this blog) The human brain scientifically can produce an infinite number of neurological connections and calculations. We are limited by lifespan but also by other factors. Factual knowledge is one ...

  • Merry Christmas

    Posted December 7, 2010 by Priestess Elizabeth Mason


    Posted December 6, 2010 by Deleted Member

    ON THE SIXTH NIGHT OF HANUKKAH we read the following story in our household: After being liberated from Egypt the Hebrews spent time in the wilderness along their journey to the Promised Land.  During this time Moses was summoned by God to the mountaintop to receive the 10 commandments.  ...

  • New World Order

    Posted December 6, 2010 by Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose

      If a person looks up "New World Order" on the internet the definition of this phrase is very long with many descriptions having the term "conspiracy theory" attached to the description. This is very misleading, and untrue. If you want proof, just look up the report entitled " Rebuilding ...


    Posted December 5, 2010 by Deleted Member

    ON THE FIFTH NIGHT OF HANUKKAH WE TELL THE FOLLOWING STORY & share it here for your enjoyment: THIS IS THE STORY OF SHLOMO AND IBRAHIM who went to the same school in Israel/Palestine.  That might not seem unusual except that one is Jewish and the other Arab.  One speaks Hebrew, the other ...

  • talked about love to a congregration of none

    Posted December 5, 2010 by Rev. Michael Rivera

    i learned along time ago weather there is one person or 1000 you do what you plan on doing. well what do you do when there is zero after 2 months of advertising the opening of the church and the first service which was today at 10 am i was greated with no one. 25 friends of mine who have been tell...


    Posted December 5, 2010 by Deleted Member

    I was raised to believe that a real man can have a disagreement with another man without resorting to name-calling.  My role models taught me to gain another man’s respect by simply stating that the two of you disagree and then you “drop it. “ Perhaps looking at Kipling’...


    Posted December 5, 2010 by Deleted Member

    FOR E. MASON An honor, a hand, a clasp and a grin Today all is well and we think we will win Tomorrow the cold and the wet will set in And that is a loss to those who can't grin. For the ones who prepared for the cold and the rain Are the ones who will not feel more or less pain But the...


    Posted December 4, 2010 by Deleted Member

    ON THE FOURTH NIGHT OF HANUKKAH IT IS OUR FAMILY TRADITION TO READ THE FOLLOWING FOLK TALE from a time when the Jewish teachings were forbidden during Roman rule: RABBI AKIVA, despite Roman decree still gathered people to study the WORD.  Another Rabbi came to him quietly one day with con...


    Posted December 3, 2010 by Deleted Member

    ON THE THIRD NIGHT OF HANUKKAH WE READ THE FOLLOWING FOLK TALE AT OUR TABLE which emphasizes the value of tradition, of knowing how to be hungry and how to be full and to accept the inevitable changes of life while holding onto those which are most valuable. The Perez family had Mom, Dad, a boy and...